
Thank you for stopping by.

I invite you into my story, into the lives of Michael and Natalie, and their experience with The Boys. This story has been kicking around in my head and my heart for some time. I'd like to think that this particular story, while obviously a figment of my imagination, describes something that could actually happen without hurting any of the players involved.

This story is now complete.

The story starts here. Just keep clicking on "Newer Post" at the bottom of each chapter to progress through the story.

To read any chapter, see the archive at the right. You can click on the ARROWS to get drop-down menus under each month.

Thanks to everyone who shared feedback and thoughts, both on the site, and via e-mail -- you encouraged me to continue the story. You all made this fun.

Faithful Forever,


Anonymous said...

I love the story. I am a long time Bon Jovi fan and I love all the stories I have found around here. I can't wait to read more. Hope to see Chapter 7 soon.
